Osteopathy clinics in hampshire
Our services
At Havant Osteopathic & Sports Injury Clinic, our qualified osteopaths can treat a wide range of ailments with ease. Book your appointment with us today!
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What happens when you consult an osteopath?
Pain can be debilitating and can affect every area of your life. Pain isn’t something you simply have to put up with or learn to live with. We want to help you be pain-free and able to live your life to the full.
When you arrive at your appointment, the osteopath will take a full case history and ask questions to help make a diagnosis.
You’ll be examined, your osteopath will observe your movements and palpate (feel) the affected area in order to work out the best course of treatment. Your osteopath will talk you through the treatment plan, as well as offer exercises to carry on your treatment at home.
You can book your appointment by clicking the link below or phone the clinic on 07717 852 632. If you have questions about your treatment or what to expect on the day and one of our staff will be happy to talk to you.
Initial Consultation and treatment – £65
Subsequent treatments – £55

Different forms of osteopathic treatment
Structural osteopathy follows the most basic principles of osteopathy where a certain structure (muscle, joint or ligament) has a specific task which is known as the function. If these structures change (strained, degenerated) their function is disturbed. Structural treatment makes changes to the mobility of tissues by following suitable techniques (soft-tissue articulation and manipulation). This corrects any disturbance in their function, therefore improving the general mobility of the structure.
Soft tissue treatment: To increase circulation to an area to help the living tissue to heal or to drain an area that is heavily swollen. This is a very useful technique to break down chronicity in the tissues (long-term suffering).
Manipulations (“Clicks”) are movements that are carried out on a joint to improve its mobility. This can be on peripheral or a spinal joint and there may be an audible “click”.
Articulations: To stretch the soft tissues, muscles, ligaments or tendons by moving the joint rhythmically. Therefore, increasing flexibility and feeding this back to the central nervous system, bringing about a greater range of flexibility.
Functional treatment involves moving a joint within its pain-free range, thus improving mobility and reducing muscle spasm. This technique is especially useful in acute conditions, where tissues are highly inflamed.
Visceral treatment is another specialized form of osteopathy, encompassing manual techniques, which have been specially studied to enhance internal organ functioning. These techniques can be either applied to internal organs by gentle massage of the organs themselves and neighbouring structures, or by stretching their attachments. This is done to improve the blood supply, drainage and their inherent movements.
Rehabilitation treatment is carried out after the patient has undergone surgery such as hip replacement. It is also for patients suffering from neurological disease such as strokes.
Strapping is used to stop further damage to a joint and is carried out using special Elastoplasts. Most joints can be strapped, from the shoulder and low back to the ankle.
Visit Havant Osteopathic & Sports Injury Clinic in West Sussex for a wide range of treatments.
(Karen Read)